Cancellation charges ?? In florida
232 12-11-2014
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So one of my larger commercial contractors, lined me up for. 20 plus, they canceled twice w a 12 hour plus notice in one week, ok I dealt w it so then the day of the pour 1.5 hours before I'm suppose to arrive on site, the contractors calls to say mud can't be there till 3 hours later then expected and he says its too late at that point and he's canceling... My guy was pulling up to to the yard, so now were both fucked up out of a job.. I sent them a four min charge and they refused to pay it... ? what are others cancellation policies and opinions on how to approach this??  i turned down a job for this one.

concreteanimal 12-13-2014
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$200 late cancellation  within 2 hours. I had one this week covering for another company. I'm billing the other pump co. If they don't pay me, they can't ask much in the future..

Captain Ron 12-14-2014
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I get $250 and I pay my guy for the job. That being said there are always mitigating circumstances. I don't charge for rain days if they cancel 2 hours before scheduled concrete and sometimes I owe a favor for being late before or not performing for whatever reason. You have to weigh each customer. Some guys set up a pump and then don't cancel till last minute even though they knew they weren't pouring. That guy gets a charge.

If a guy cancels the same job 3 times in a week and you actually refused work for that pump because of his booking, you are entitiled to something.

Maybe tell him that if he doesn't think it costs you money to put him on your books than you reserve the right to CANCEL HIM for a reason that you deem reasonable.

232 12-14-2014
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i agree I think same day cancellation should be 100 and 3 hours before arrival should be full 4 hour min charge, these contractors think our time and laborer time is worthless. When we try to push them off a day they call someone loyalty barely any loyalty these days

Pumperman430 12-18-2014
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If anyone cancels us within 12 hours if the pump time, we still charge $ 250.00 for cancellation.

If it is within 2 hours, we charge $ 400.00. We are in this business for profit!

Rhino 12-20-2014
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I know that I'm not from Florida, but I charge $375 if I get cancelled on within 24 hours, and I only have a line pump.  I don't don't prep or do anything else, so if I don't pump then I'm not making money.  If their job isn't ready for really any reason, they're paying.  If they don't like it, then I won't answer their calls again.  Keeping in mind that our economy is pretty strong, I really have no issues with keeping myself efficient.